Tips & Advice on How to Increase Motivation and Stick with It
Motivation tends to be something
that comes and goes. But why does this happen? Here are a few tips on how to
ignore bad habits and negativity by letting some motivation into your mind. Once
you reach this goal, do your best to stick with it.

Negativity is something none of us
need. When certain activities get a little tough, we start looking at the
long-term disadvantages of them. "I could never achieve what they did; it
took them twice as many thinking heads to accomplish this!” Guess what: We're
all human beings here with a brain, a heart, and all other body parts intact.
If Bill Gates could climb the ladder to success, why can't you? He started like
all of us would: Poor, ambitious, and with a burning desire to succeed.
Develop a plan. Let's say you want
to shed a few extra pounds. As you've probably heard before, do not skip meals,
for this will only lead to a greater desire to satisfy your stomach later. Why
not eat small meals throughout the day, and reward yourself once a week for
performing an amazing job? My point is motivation DOES NOT constitute killing
yourself over something; it only takes listening to your mind and body.
No matter how well you think you're
doing, there will always be some obstacles on your way. Why do they get in
between you and the finish line? So that you can look up, learn from them, and
proceed with a new level of strength like never before. Let's say you just had
a miserable day at work by letting your colleagues down on a deadline. So what?
Now you just learned another weakness, and once identified, it can surely be
overcome. Show everyone what you're really made of.
Live in the moment. You can't obsess about what tomorrow holds. Instead, focus on living today! Read a book, go for a bike ride, do something daring like cliff diving. Whatever it is you decide to do, it should be about living your life as it is now and not worrying about what has happened in the past or what may happen in the future. If you simply cannot put your worries aside, then designate a time and place to address your worries so that they don't interfere with your daily life.
Once you have developed a plan to deal with your worries, commit to it, follow it through and then move on. Dont recycle the past, you must move forward and continue living your life without living in fear of the future. You are only human. You cannot save the world with your worries. You can only empower yourself with thoughts of encouragement and acts of valor.
Once you have developed a plan to deal with your worries, commit to it, follow it through and then move on. Dont recycle the past, you must move forward and continue living your life without living in fear of the future. You are only human. You cannot save the world with your worries. You can only empower yourself with thoughts of encouragement and acts of valor.
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