Saturday, August 25, 2012

Inspirational World Renowned Photographer Artist Isack Kousnsky

 By: Aqua Blutopia (Photo Images By: Photographer Artist Mr. Isack Kousnsky)

There are a lot of different
 things that can Inspire certain people. And one of those inspirations is world renowned photographer artist Mr. Isack Kousnsky. 
 He shoots fabulous environmental portraits, with saturated colors, with breathtaking images.  As well as a surreal mood and feeling he can craft in a photograph with his controlled lighting mixed with a mix of pastel colors, which even bring the image more to life.

Isack Kousnsky’s storytelling nature of his photographs, cause you to linger on the image and exudes sophistication through simplicity. You sense the solitude, the etherealness, and tranquility, as if you were in the scenes yourself.

I think perhaps it was his attempt to reduce the complicated, noisy, colorful, cluttered, busy, fast paced world, to something calm, simple and meditative.


But I rather believe interpretation should be in the mind, heart and soul of the beholder. So, perhaps it is better if you think about it yourself. 

Here are some images of Mr. Isack Kousnsky artistic Photography:(Images of New York City & Miami’s Ocean Beach)
 Although it is likely that most everyone is     familiar with Isack Kousnsky’s work, I take great inspiration from the man who captured more dynamic, vibrant, striking detail.


 I've never been big on artistic photography until I saw his photos, and now I am in love.


I find him absolutely inspirational, the general "surrealist" mood in his shots, the composition and the creative elaboration are inspiring and Mr. Isack Kousnsky is a master in his work as an Artist.


Isack Kousnsky’s photographs are transcendent. The images, which are enhanced using abstract compositional strategies, play with the viewer’s perception of pictorial space and literally transport you to each location. A bit like the chalk drawings in Mary Poppins, you simply want to jump into his world.

 In addition to his own work Isack told us of the artists he has discovered in Haiti. Of the women he says who sing joyfully as they work and paint with such spirit. ”They are much better than many of the ‘trained’ artists I know,” he says. Isack purchases their work and re-sells the paintings in order to raise money for the relief efforts. Click here to find out more.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Tips on How to Deal with Critical and Judgmental People


If you’re dealing with someone who just can’t see the possible value or meaning in your point of view, then you’re dealing with a critical, judgmental person, who cannot empathize well. People like this cannot take on an alternate position and view things from another’s vantage point.  They cannot take on the perceptions and feelings that a person in that alternate position would have. If they could, they’d easily be able to see the reasons why their point of view is not the only valid one and stop claiming that everyone else is just “wrong”. People with low or no empathy tend to be very critical, disrespectful and judgmental.  Also they tend to have a difficult time understanding or caring about the fact that insisting your thinking is wrong and valueless will hurt your feelings.

It can be a challenge to deal with judgmental people, but sometimes we do not have a choice. It may be someone we work with, a family member or just some random person. The best way handle people like this, is to just ignore them. If they say something that is inappropriate or judgmental then you might just want to ignore them. If it is someone like your boss who you cannot just ignore, then you can simply pretend that you are listening and let it go in one ear and out the other. Pretend that they are just talking nonsense. If someone is very judgmental, then it is not worth your time and effort. You can just tune out and think about something else when they are talking.
Although no one enjoys dealing with them, everyone comes in contact with judgmental and disrespectful people from time to time. If you're not careful, encounters with these people can leave you upset and feeling stressed. It's important to remember that although rude people may think very highly of themselves, most other people do not view them in the same way. There's a very good chance that this rude judgmental person has offended many other people, and it's not just you that has dealt with their disrespect.
Sometimes, Judgmental people don't always mean to hurt you. When it comes to your mother and father; they want the best for you, so they tell you everything they can think of, that you may do based on their experiences in life. But judgmental people, even sometimes family, can really cause damage unless you are proactive.  Here are some tips to prevent these people from hampering your life.

1)    Work on your self-esteem. This is the key to dealing with judgmental people. Have a firm idea of your abilities, limitations, beliefs and values. This shields you from people who try to make you feel small so they feel superior.

2)    Stay calm no matter what the situation. It's best to buy as much time as you can before responding. These types of people enjoy upsetting you to the point where you say things that you don't mean or start to behave in a disrespectful manner that mimics their own behavior.
3)    Develop a sense of humor. Other people's judgments can be comical when they're completely irrelevant to what you believe or experience.

4)    Consider the judgmental person's authority if it's a work situation. Your supervisor's criticism is worth acknowledging quietly if it keeps you from losing your job.

5) Decide what type of relationship you would like to have with him or her. For example, if he or she is a co-worker, you probably want to be able to tolerate them in the office. When interacting with the person, make a peaceful working relationship your goal. You might want to avoid any conversation with them that doesn't involve work, at least at first.

6)    Recognize it's their problem no matter what the situation. Their judgments reflect their own lack of self-esteem. Distance yourself from their destructive behavior by realizing you haven't done anything wrong.

7)    Nurture yourself so you don't buy into the hurtful opinions of judgmental people out of stress or insecurity. Daily meditation is a great way to let go of negativity. Always be true to yourself and your beliefs and don't back down when the rude judgmental person tries to intimidate you. Even if he or she seems very domineering, don't let him or she persuades you to do something that makes you uncomfortable or behave out of line.
Sometimes people say something in order to rile you up. You should try as much as possible not to let it get to you. Remember that it is their problem and not yours. You should be happy that you are not that way. If they are judging you about something that is none of their business, then why should you care what they say? Think about all of the people who are supportive of you and whose opinion actually matters to you.

In certain times, you might feel better to stand up to someone. Be careful about doing this when it is someone like your boss of course. However in a lot of cases, saying something might make you feel better. Try to stay calm and not let yourself get emotional or angry. That might be just what they want. Instead talk to them and explain your point of view. You may want to just say for them to keep out of it. You could say that it is something that does not concern them or they may not have any real knowledge of what they speak of. You could simply say that you feel differently about the point. For instance, if they are saying something bad about someone you know, you can stand up for them. By showing your support, you may shame the person. They may even see the error of their ways. Sometimes people do not realize how judgmental they are and people can change.

Dealing with judgmental people can be difficult and frustrating and keeping your temper and logically thinking through any actions may help you. Utilize the above tips to help you deal with such people.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Letting Go Of The Past

By: AquaBlutopia

It is Extremely Hard for some people to Let go of an situation in the past that has cause them some sort of deep pain. It is usually so easy for another person, who has not walking in your shoes to say, “Let go of the past and move on..”  It’s easy to say, but so much harder to actually do! We all mess up sometimes whether it’s lashing out at a friend or engaging in a self-destructive behavior, or dealing with trust issues due to a broken heart, etc. Sometimes the hardest person to forgive is yourself. Not the friend who backstabbed you. Or the dad that wasn’t there for you. Or even the ex who broke your heart. Why? Because you know yourself and you live with yourself every day. Go figure.

Without even realizing it, we punish ourselves for past mistakes or regrets, as if we could somehow fix the wrong that we’ve done or that was done to us. We tend to put ourselves down, humiliate ourselves, and sabotage our own accomplishments. When we are unable to forgive ourselves and others, we get in the habit of ripping ourselves apart.  we are then likely to project our negative attitude on the people around us, holding them accountable to the same harsh judgments as we hold ourselves. This can also make us feel and appear arrogant and angry, stifling our relationships and making us appear less attractive.   We end up walking through each day feeling less-than we are. We call ourselves losers. No good. We live chained to our past, holding on to hurts and grudges. And though no one else may know about our secret pain, the negative emotions we feel gnaw away at our joy and satisfaction in life.,.
These emotional habits may be lurking under the surface, knotted so tightly into our routine we don't even realize they're there. To get more out of life, we need to learn to let go of these draining, self-destructive mental habits and learn how to become more supportive, forgiving towards ourselves and look towards the furture.

When it comes to the past, silence can be deadly. So stop pretending. Free yourself from the bondage of holding it all in. Talk about what’s tearing you apart inside. Express the emotions you feel to a counselor, mentor, or friend you can trust. Forgiveness starts with being honest and vulnerable about who you are…the good and the bad. So say what you need to say. Some people go through life pretending things never happened, maybe it will all go away,” we tend to think….Sounds nice…but not true. Choose to break out of denial and express whats on your mind.
As an imperfect person, you will make mistakes in life. Face it,. You will have regrets. It’s part of living in a less-than-perfect world. But you have a choice. Either your past will keep you in a rut of pain, guilt, shame…or you will accept it for what it is and experience the freedom to move on and enjoy the now. Self-acceptance is critical to your emotional health…so don’t miss out.
Evaluate the expectations you (and others) set for you. Are they healthy? Or unrealistic? If you find yourself never being able to measure up—no matter how hard you try. We all have beliefs about what we are supposed to do. And when we don't meet our own expectations we commonly use our shortcomings as the basis for self-attacks. We build up a case against ourselves based on our ideas of what we should have done and stir up feelings of guilt and regret. It  also make us miserable about the future. Demanding endless performance from ourselves, we put ourselves under intolerable pressures, and then become overwhelmed by fear of failure.

Even when we accomplish our task we allow ourselves little credit. Instead of enjoying and praising our success, we pass it off as no more than what we were supposed to do anyway.   Start to change a few things in your approach to life. Healthy expectations are achievable and fulfilling, not draining and overwhelming.

Do your best to let go of it all and  Don’t allow yourself to  hold on to regrets. You don’t need to justify your past actions or try to prove yourself. Letting go of the past means burying it and giving up your right to engage in self-condemnation. Forgiveness is a choice, but also a process. It’s choosing to stop hating yourself and cutting yourself down, but instead, seeing yourself as a valuable human being.

Forgiving yourself is tough. It means striking a deal with yourself…to let the past be past and live in the present
to stop beating yourself up for a situation that was not your fault or about something that happened two or five or ten years ago
to banish guilt and shame from controlling your thoughts and behaviors
to accept and respect yourself as you are…in spite of your screw-ups. Remember, No one is perfect in this World!
So learn to forgive yourself and others live life to the fulliest.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tips on How to Get Over an Ex-Boyfriend Before Marriage

You lost someone you loved deeply, and feel you can never recover. However, you want to move on with your life and get married but are unsure how to go about doing this. Here are a couple of steps to help you out.           

Instructions: First-Leave the Past in the past
  • 1
    Write about your past in order to let it go. Realize the past is gone and over with. Whatever mistakes we made back then we can no longer change now. Sometimes we idealize past romances as a defense mechanism because we are afraid to move on. For some, a spring cleaning is in order to get rid of the excessive amount of memories and fears.

  • 2
    Try to evaluate why is it that you cling so strongly , and be realistic about it. There is a reason why this relationship did not work out. Things always happen for a reason. If it was so easy then it would have been able to work itself out. Try to focus on yourself, family and your current relationship. This will take time, but it will get better in the end.

  • 3
    Break old patterns. Try your best to focus your energies on what you can control and not what you can't control. Instead of trying to focus on those who do not love us, try and see those who do. It isn't fair to them to be constantly compared to that " wonderful" person who , let's face it isn't that wonderful at all.
  • 4
    Write a letter to him, but stop short of mailing it. Get out everything you wanted to say to him, then burn it.
  • 5
    Be patient with yourself. You do not move on automatically, it takes a lot of time and patience to break free of your old wounds. But there will come a day when you look into a mirror and be happy with your life and what it is today, especially if something good came out of a bad situation. Trying your best to heal is recommendable before you embark on marrying someone else.

Saturday, August 11, 2012



By: Aqua Blutopia

  If you think women are the only ones who fake it in the bedroom, think again: Some men have faked an orgasm at some point in their sex lives.
There is no doubt that Women fake orgasm more than men do, but it’s clear that Oscar-worthy acting performances are not limited to the female gender. What’s the deal? For both men and women, faking orgasms seems to be tied to relationship troubleshooting; namely how one is perceived during and after sex.  Much has been said about women who fake their orgasms, but these days, men are emerging as the brightest stars of the “Oh-oh-oh” Awards. Men fake for the same reasons as women they’re tired, they’re feeling distant, or they don’t want to offend their partners. 
Men, who have faked it, use a combination of moaning, vocalizations, and changes in physical movements. And there could be a number of reasons behind the act.  Some do it because they feel pressure from their lovers to come, even from older women, who should know that the physics get more complicated with age.

Here are a few things for Women to Know if a man’s climax is all a sham and why?
·         To make haste with a delayed orgasm. On average, data show that men tend to take about seven minutes from penetration to climax. If a man believes he’s taking too long, he may decide it’s best to fake the orgasm and get the sexual act over with.

·         To conceal premature ejaculation. Some men pretend to have an orgasm as a front for premature ejaculation.

·         To preserve his pride. For men who lose an erection during sex or sense they won’t be able to have an orgasm, it might be easier to fake the orgasm than to talk about why it didn’t occur.

·         To please his partner. A man faking an orgasm might be worried that his partner is uncomfortable due to the length of intercourse. He might also be concerned that his partner will feel hurt if they stop sex before the orgasm.

·         To abide by the “rules.” Some couples have a certain idea about how sexual intercourse will play out. There are theories that some men can’t think of another way for sex to end other than an earth-shattering orgasm, so they end up faking it if it doesn’t happen naturally.

·         To get things over with. Occasionally, men have sex with their partner for the partner’s sake — but since they aren’t really into it, they end up faking an orgasm to resolve the situation.
A male faker’s Best Supporting Actor is a condom, which puts protective latex over the truth. But even men who go bareback can fictionalize their O’s; if a woman raises doubts, they can always say it was a small one. What’s surprising isn’t that men simulate, but that women are so clueless when they do. Used to men coming too quickly, most women can’t conceive of a guy with the opposite problem.

Some women are much more understanding of a guy who can’t get it up than a guy who can’t come. If a man can’t come, the woman usually feels that it’s an indication that she’s failed in a fundamental way.  There are a few women who can tell if a man is faking or not, especially if you are using a condom.  Mainly a full condom makes a very different noise coming off. An empty one sounds like you’re rubbing a balloon against your head.
Men feel as if they are in an unfair bind and they are expected to be sensitive to women’s-orgasm issues and they get little understanding of their own problems.  For Women, there is a certain amount of time where if a guy comes sooner than expected then women look at it as he has a problem.   Very soon after that is a line, which is when the woman says, ‘What’s wrong? What am I not doing?’ As the man, the culture of sex says not to be too quick.

Depending on the relationship, Men and women sometimes experience a role reversal at a certain age.  Where a women really wants to have sex for their own sake only. By the time a guy starts to lose interest in constant sex, the women are hornier and more into it than ever. For the guy, it may not be as thrilling to have sex for sex’s sake, which is why when men do it, they realize it’s not what they wanted.  That is when the guy fakes it because he feels it’s the only way to satisfy a woman.   But there are some guys that don’t have the presence of mind to fake it, so they might even go as far as to blame the woman as a way to cover up their own shortcoming.

No More Need for Make-Believe: How to Solve the Problem
Faking an orgasm every once in a while might not be a big deal, but if it’s happening on a regular basis, it may be time to get some help. Here are some ideas:
·         Talk to your doctor. There are a number of medical conditions that can cause delayed orgasm, premature ejaculation, or difficulty maintaining an erection. But delayed orgasm is something of a subjective measure. If it takes 10 or 20 minutes? It’s really up to the man and, of course, his partner. Bottom line: If it is taking you longer to reach orgasm than you or your partner would like, it’s okay to ask for help.
·         Talk to a therapist. Occasionally, faking orgasms is rooted in emotional issues. You might need a couples therapist or sex therapist to help you understand why you are having difficulty experiencing an authentic orgasm with your partner.

·         Masturbate. Self-stimulation is recommended to help you discover what stimulates you. Next, share this information with your partner and don’t be afraid to be open, speak your mind.

·         Cut back on alcohol or illicit drugs. Men are more likely to fake an orgasm when under the influence, likely due to the fact that substance abuse affects sexual performance.

There’s no need to feign it. Instead, get to the root of the problem — it will lead to a more satisfying sex life for both you and your partner.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Women Wardrobe Must Have Items

By: Aqua Blutopia

Although we are all try to stand out in a crowd, there are some things that are common to us all. Style is no exception. Yes, it is very important to have your own and unique style, for it speaks of your character, but there still are some must-haves every woman should find in her wardrobe.

Sexy high heels. Although most women hate high heeled shoes, none of them can live without owning at least one pair. Special occasions, important business meetings, night in town with friends; no matter what, if you are wearing high heels you look stunning and, most importantly, excessively feminine. That drives men crazy.

Fabulous fitting jeans. Can anybody live without them nowadays? Choose the ones that fit you perfectly and it'll become far more than just a casual wear. Jeans can make just you as sexy as miniskirt does. Moreover, you will feel more comfortable and won't have to think of the moves you make.

Little black dress. Stylish black cocktail dress with nice and sexy neckline or back is a necessity. Nobody could deny that most women look stunning and elegant in such dress. You won't even have to change it very often if you have no intension of doing so. It has been fashionable for years and surely will be in the future.

Pencil skirt. This wardrobe staple is feminine and sleek. No matter if you are looking for professional woman or just a chick casual look, paired with right shoes it'll definitely look amazing.

Sophisticated white shirt. A white button-up blouse is a must-have for every female. No matter what you do, white shirt goes perfectly with almost everything. Pairing it with jeans and flats is a great combination for work; pairing white shirt with a skirt and some heels will do perfect for dinner at restaurant or some other special occasion. You just can't go wrong.

A clutch. The majority of women find clutches useless and sometimes even tasteless, for no particular reason. It looks amazing with any cocktail dress and, if matched properly, with any style. And it is useful! If you're going out with friends or to some party, you don't need many things, just the most necessary ones. This is why it's so perfect - you don't have to carry a huge empty bag around.

Simple jewelry you love. No style can be entirely complete without jewelry. It emphasizes your character and may serve to hide some shortages of yours. Of course, it is highly recommended to have as much and as various jewelry as you want and as you can afford, but if you don't like it or you can't afford diamond necklaces, you must have at least a few accessories that would go perfectly with any color or any style.

Having all the musts and wearing them doesn't mean you'll be just like all other ladies. You still can be different and original. All these must-haves go easily with a wide variety of clothes, thus matching and experimenting with them may even help you to create your unique style.