How to Deal with Different Types of Nosy
by: Aqua Blutopia
(Without Resorting to Violence)
A nosy neighbor can
try the patience of even the saintliest of individuals. Such people seem to
have nothing better to do with their time and energy than mind other people's
business. If you have a nosy neighbor, you know all too well what this is like.
A nosy neighbor knows what time you and all of your family members
leave the house each day and what time you return. They will regularly scope
out the exterior of your house to see if you've added any new fixtures or
decorations, mowed your lawn lately, gotten a new paint job or received a
pressure wash. It almost seems as though they never leave their own house, for
fear that they might miss something that is taking place at yours!
There are different types of nosy neighbors, but I would classify
them into two basic categories: Passive Snoops and Garrulous Gossips.
Passive Snoops have earned their title. They routinely observe the goings-on in
the neighborhood with hopes that no one sees them. This is pure entertainment
for them - sort of like watching Reality TV. They couldn't care less about
making conversation with you or reporting their findings. They are likely to
routinely peer at you and your loved ones through their blinds, opening a small
section just big enough for their beady little eyes to see out of. They may
even have a tub of popcorn in their lap to munch on while they spy. They are
passive because they avoid direct contact with you. But they will call
the police - especially during the middle of your superbowl party because they
"thought" from all of the shouting they heard that you were in
Unlike Passive Snoops, Garrulous Gossips are not ashamed to let
you and everyone else know that your business is their business. They sit or
stand outside of their homes, watching every move that everyone on the block
makes. They are the first to comment on your new car, the lengthy conversation
you had with the mailman the other day or the fact that your teenager broke
curfew last weekend. In times of trouble - when you really need help - this
person can potentially be a lifesaver, but don't hold your breath. And expect that
if they do come to the rescue, they'll take delight in relaying the
blow-by-blow details to everyone else in the neighborhood afterward.
So how does one deal with such neighbors? Acts of violence or
other forms of vengeance may have crossed your mind on occasion, but are these
people really worth doing time? Absolutely not! You can try giving them the
benefit of a doubt and assume that they are basically good-natured individuals
watching out for their fellow neighbors and the safety and tranquility of the
neighborhood. In a number of cases, this may in fact be true. In others,
unfortunately, it is not.
If you find that resentment toward a nosy neighbor is building up
inside of you, I would suggest the following:
Passive Snoops
Since they do not typically desire to be "found out" or
have direct contact with you, a good way to handle a Passive Snoop is to be as
friendly as you can find it within yourself to be. Go that extra mile to
"love thy neighbor," even if it makes you nauseous. Whenever you see
them peering at you through their blinds or curtains, smile and wave at them.
Or better yet, bake them some cookies or a cake and hand deliver the gift the
next time you catch them spying on you.
"You must have known that I was thinking of you today! I
looked your way and there you were, looking back at me," you can smile and
say if they find the courage to answer their door when you knock. "In
fact, I think about you quite often," you will want to add (and you
probably would be telling the truth, though they have no idea that these
thoughts involve deadly weapons). This will be a little too eerie for them,
since they are supposed to be watching you, not the other way
There are of course, Passive Snoops who will act as though no one
is home when you knock, even though they were obviously watching you just a few
minutes ago. They may be hiding under the bed or standing right by the front
door, holding their breath so that you will think they are not there. Feel free
to leave a basket of flowers from your garden at their front door with a
thoughtful note, or a sentimental card that reads "Thinking of You."
Your seeming interest in them will more than likely cause them to lose interest
in spying on you. Hopefully, they will find the experience so terrifying that
they will look for something else to do with their free time. Like spy on
someone else. Someone who appears to be a little more sane than you.
Garrulous Gossips
Since Garrulous Gossips are pretty bold, you may have a project on
your hands trying to deal with them. One thing you never want to do is
entertain any gossip that they bring your way about others in the neighborhood
- no matter how juicy. Just as they are gossiping to you about someone else,
they will be doing to same to someone else about you. Never mistake their
talkativeness for friendship. Someone like this could never truly be your
The best way to deal with a Garrulous Gossip is to be direct. The
next time they tell you that they saw your teenage daughter kissing her
boyfriend goodnight at your front door over the weekend, you may want to firmly
but politely say something like, "I am sure you mean well, but unless my
child is clearly in danger I really don't need any updates from you on her
activities." You can deal with your daughter later if you feel a need, but
never let a Garrulous Gossip know that their reports have created conflict
within your family, as this will only encourage them to continue meddling in your
You may receive the silent treatment from the Garrulous Gossip
from that point forward, but they are most likely just experiencing some
much-needed growing pains. They will, of course, continue to gossip about you
and your family, but they will probably be far less intrusive with you
Don't get me wrong - it is wonderful to live within a community
where people look out for one another and genuinely care about the safety and
well-being of all residents. This does require a certain level of awareness and
attentiveness. However, people who routinely snoop and gossip actually detract
from the quality of the neighborhood, because they cause others to feel uneasy
and distrustful. It is, of course, unlikely that you will say or do anything to
directly change these people and their behaviors. But changing yours is
worth the effort if it restores peace in your life and your family. Your home
is the one place where you should be able to relax and unwind - without
worrying that you are being spied on!
I have a nosey neighbour who's very self entitled/important & loves nothing more than to complain about everyone and everything, including her partner, children and all the other neighbour's, no doubt including me...I live in a house with four units each side, that's a lot of complaining she has to do!! Anyhow, I took the be super friendly approach while establishing a distance (to which she expressed some underlying anger/agitation about), I then proceeded to grow all the different colours of Bougainvillea (can be very invasive if not pruned back) across her section of the fence so it grew over her fence and when she needed to cut it back, experienced the hassle of the underlying thorns of this plant...of course me being a horticulturist it attracted many beneficial insects to my garden and I knew how to keep it under control...she may have had a few weed seeds in her yard too...1 year of seeds brings 7yrs of weeds...I don't hear much from her now, funny that?!?